How to Teach Impulse Control in Dogs: A Comprehensive Guide

How to teach a dog impulse control

How to Teach a Dog Impulse Control: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Modifying Impulse Control in Dogs

By Will Bangura, M.S., CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA, FFCP (Certified Dog Behavior Consultant/Dog Behaviorist)

Defining Impulse Control in Canine Behavior

Impulse control in dogs is a multifaceted aspect of canine behavior that involves their ability to manage spontaneous reactions and resist natural urges. This skill is critical, particularly for dogs that display high levels of excitement, energy, and sensitivity to stimulation. A lack of impulse control in dogs can manifest in various undesirable behaviors. These can range from jumping on people, a behavior often rooted in a dog’s instinctual greeting ritual, to darting through doors, which can be attributed to their innate curiosity and explorative nature.

Moreover, behaviors like snatching food can be traced back to their ancestral survival instincts, where food acquisition was unpredictable and often competitive. Excessive barking, on the other hand, may originate from their pack-living ancestors, where vocalization played a crucial role in communication and territory establishment.

The Significance of Impulse Control for Dogs and Pet Guardians

Training dogs in impulse control is pivotal for several reasons. Firstly, it fosters a more harmonious and respectful relationship between pet guardians and their canine companions. When a dog learns to control its impulses, it shows a deeper understanding and adaptation to the human-centric world it lives in. This adaptability is essential for creating a safe and enjoyable coexistence.

Secondly, impulse control is integral to a dog’s safety. A dog that can resist running out of an open door or chasing after a moving vehicle is less likely to encounter dangerous situations. Similarly, impulse control can prevent confrontations with other animals or humans, which could arise from unchecked instinctual reactions.

The Role of Impulse Control in a Dog’s Overall Well-Being

From a psychological standpoint, impulse control training is a form of mental exercise for dogs. It challenges them to think, make decisions, and act against their natural inclinations, which can be mentally stimulating and emotionally satisfying. This form of training contributes significantly to their overall emotional regulation, helping to prevent frustrations and stress that arise from unfulfilled or unchecked impulses.

Furthermore, impulse control is closely linked to a dog’s socialization skills. Dogs with good impulse control are typically better at reading and responding to social cues, which is essential for positive interactions with other dogs and humans. This aspect of behavioral training is crucial in preventing over-reactivity and aggression, common issues in dogs struggling with impulse control.

The Impact of Impulse Control Training on Behavioral Development

The training for impulse control plays a crucial role in a dog’s behavioral development. It lays the foundation for advanced training and complex training behaviors. Dogs that excel in impulse control are often more receptive to training in general, as they have learned the valuable skill of focusing and responding to their pet guardian’s cues amidst distractions.

Impulse control training is a vital component of a dog’s education, profoundly impacting their behavior, safety, mental health, and social interactions. It’s a cornerstone in nurturing well-adjusted, responsive, and socially adept dogs, aligning with the evidence-based and science-driven approaches in canine behavior training (Clark & Boyer, 1993). By investing in impulse control training, pet guardians are not only enhancing their dogs’ quality of life but are also contributing to a more balanced and mutually respectful human-canine relationship.

Training Exercises for Enhancing Impulse Control, or Attention. Start by asking your dog to sit before receiving meals, treats, or during play. This practice reinforces polite behavior and patience.

Introduction to Dog Training: Emphasizing Positive Methods Over Punishment

The realm of dog training has evolved significantly over the years, with a strong shift towards understanding canine psychology and behavior. Traditionally, training methods often leaned towards punitive measures to discourage undesirable behaviors. However, contemporary approaches prioritize positive reinforcement, a method that aligns with the latest findings in animal behavior science and psychology. This shift marks a critical advancement in how we interact with and understand our canine companions.

The Shift from Punishment to Positive Training

Punishment in dog training, historically, involved the use of aversive techniques to reduce or eliminate unwanted behaviors. These could range from physical corrections, such as leash jerks, to verbal reprimands or even the withholding of rewards. While these methods might offer immediate results, research and practical experience have shown that they can lead to long-term negative consequences. These include fear, anxiety, and even aggression, alongside potential damage to the trust and bond shared between a dog and its guardian.

In contrast, positive reinforcement, endorsed by animal behaviorists and welfare organizations, focuses on rewarding desired behaviors, thereby encouraging their repetition. This approach not only avoids the pitfalls of punitive measures but also fosters a trusting, respectful, and loving relationship between dogs and their guardians. It creates an environment conducive to learning and mutual understanding, essential for effective training.

Understanding Punishment in Dog Training and Its Implications

What is Punishment in Dog Training?

Punishment, in the context of dog training, refers to any technique used to reduce or eliminate an undesired behavior by applying an aversive stimulus or removing a desirable one. This can include physical corrections (like leash jerks), verbal reprimands, or withholding rewards. Punishment is distinct from negative reinforcement, which involves removing an unpleasant stimulus to increase a desired behavior.

Why Punishment is Discouraged in Dog Training

  • Risk of Negative Side Effects: Punishment can lead to fear, anxiety, and aggression in dogs. Studies have shown that aversive training can contribute to stress and anxiety disorders in dogs (Herron, Shofer, & Reisner, 2009).
  • Damages Human-Dog Relationship: Punishment can erode the trust and bond between the dog and its guardian. A study by Herron et al. (2009) found that confrontational or punitive techniques applied by dog pet parents can lead to aggressive responses in many dogs.
  • Inhibits Learning: Punishment often fails to teach the dog what behavior is expected and can inhibit their ability to learn by creating a stressful environment.
  • Ethical Concerns: Many animal welfare organizations, including the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) and the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB), advocate for humane, non-aversive training methods. They emphasize that training should focus on reinforcing desired behaviors rather than punishing unwanted ones.
  • Potential for Misuse: Punishment can easily be misapplied or overused, particularly by inexperienced trainers, leading to increased fear and anxiety in dogs.

Advocacy for Positive Reinforcement

  • Endorsement by Experts: Leading veterinary behaviorists and animal welfare organizations overwhelmingly support positive reinforcement methods. The AVSAB, for example, states that positive reinforcement is the most effective and humane approach to training dogs (AVSAB, 2007).
  • Builds a Positive Relationship: Positive reinforcement strengthens the bond between the dog and the guardian. It creates an environment of trust and cooperation.
  • Encourages Good Behavior: Positive reinforcement rewards desirable behaviors, making them more likely to be repeated. It’s an effective method to shape and encourage good behavior in dogs.
  • Addresses the Underlying Cause: Unlike punishment, positive reinforcement and behavior modification techniques aim to address the underlying cause of undesirable behavior.
  • Improves Animal Welfare: Training methods that use positive reinforcement align with the principles of animal welfare, ensuring that the physical and psychological needs of the dog are met.

In light of the overwhelming evidence against the use of punishment in dog training and its potential negative impacts, it is recommended that dog guardians and trainers adopt positive reinforcement techniques. These methods not only align with the latest behavioral science but also promote a harmonious and effective training environment.

For those looking to further educate themselves or need assistance, consulting with professional dog trainers who use positive reinforcement, or seeking advice from certified animal behaviorists is advisable. Continuous education about humane and effective training methods contributes significantly to the welfare and happiness of dogs.

Sit to Say Please: This exercise involves teaching your dog to sit for anything they desire, such as food, toys.

Transitioning to Impulse Control Training: Starting with “Sit to Say Please”

As we move away from outdated punitive methods and embrace positive reinforcement, we begin to see the vast potential in our dogs’ ability to learn and adapt. A crucial aspect of this positive training approach is impulse control training, which teaches dogs to manage their natural impulses in a variety of situations. This training is not just about obedience; it’s about helping dogs navigate their world more comfortably and confidently.

One fundamental element of impulse control training is teaching the “Sit to Say Please” behavior. This exercise is an excellent starting point as it encapsulates the essence of positive training. It encourages dogs to exhibit calm and polite behavior, offering a sit in exchange for something they want, be it food, toys, or attention. This not only reinforces good manners but also strengthens the dog’s ability to control impulses, setting the stage for more advanced training exercises. By starting with “Sit to Say Please,” we lay the groundwork for a training journey that is as rewarding for the dog as it is for the guardian, filled with mutual respect and understanding.

 “Sit to Say Please” – Impulse Control Training


  • Choose a Quiet Area: Begin in a distraction-free area to help your dog focus.
  • Gather Supplies: You’ll need treats (small and of high value), a clicker (if using clicker training), and a calm demeanor.
  • Mindset: Patience is key. This training might take several sessions.
  • Introduction to the cue for “Sit”
  • Capture Attention: Hold a treat in your hand and let your dog notice it.
  • Hand Signal: Raise the treat slightly above your dog’s head, moving your hand back towards their tail. This naturally encourages a sitting position.
  • Verbal Cue: As you move your hand, calmly say “Sit.”
  • Mark the Behavior: The moment your dog’s rear touches the ground, click the clicker or use a verbal marker like “Yes!”
  • Reward: Immediately give the treat. Timing is crucial.
  • Repeat: Do this several times in short sessions, ideally 5-10 minutes long.

Associating Sitting with ‘Please’

  • Routine Situations: Before feeding, ask your dog to sit. Only place the food bowl down once they are sitting.
  • Consistency: Repeat this every feeding time. Consistency is crucial for the dog to make the connection.
  • Expanding Situations: Gradually introduce the sit cue in different situations like before playtime, getting a toy, or getting petted.
  • Waiting for Sit: Start waiting for your dog to sit without a cue. This encourages them to think and act without being prompted.
  • Acknowledging Sit: When your dog sits without being asked, immediately reward them. This reinforces the idea that sitting leads to good things.

Refining the Behavior

  • Duration: Gradually increase the time they need to stay in sit before they get the reward.
  • Distractions: Slowly introduce distractions, like practicing in a slightly busier environment, but don’t rush this step.
  • Distance: Begin giving the sit cue from a distance, increasing the space between you and your dog.

Common Challenges and Solutions

  • Dog Doesn’t Sit: Go back a step. Use the treat to lure them into a sit position. Be patient and don’t force them into a sit.
  • Dog Stands Up Quickly: If they stand before being rewarded, withhold the treat and reset the exercise.
  • Losing Interest: Keep sessions short and sweet. Use high-value treats to maintain interest.

Advancing the Training

  • Sit Before Door Opens: Ask your dog to sit before you open the door for a walk.
  • Sit at Crosswalks: Have your dog sit at crosswalks during walks.
  • Sit During Play: Before throwing a ball or engaging in play, ask for a sit.

The “Sit to Say Please” exercise instills discipline and patience in dogs. It teaches them that sitting is a way to politely ask for what they want, leading to more controlled and mindful behavior. The key to success is consistency, patience, and gradual progression.

Once your dog masters this exercise, they will have a strong foundation in impulse control, paving the way for learning other complex behaviors. Remember, every dog learns at their own pace, so tailor the training to your dog’s individual needs and progress.

Wait at Doors/Gates:  Impulse Control Training

“Wait at Doors/Gates” is an essential exercise for teaching dogs to control their impulses, particularly at thresholds like doors and gates. This behavior is crucial for safety and instills patience. Here’s an in-depth, step-by-step guide to effectively train your dog in this crucial skill.


  • Select a Door/Gate: Choose a door or gate you frequently use with your dog.
  • Gather Supplies: Have treats ready, a leash (if needed), and a clicker if you use clicker training.
  • Calm Environment: Ensure the training area is free from distractions initially.
  • Introducing the Concept of Waiting
  • Leash Your Dog: Initially, keep your dog on a leash for better control.
  • Approach the Door/Gate: Walk towards the door/gate with your dog.
  • Pause Before Reaching: Stop a few feet before the threshold.
  • Cue: Firmly but calmly say “Wait.”
  • Body Language: Use a hand signal such as an open palm towards the dog.
  • Reward for Pausing: If your dog stops, even for a second, immediately reward them.
  • Repeat: Practice this several times, rewarding each successful pause.

Implementing the Wait at the Threshold

  • Gradual Introduction: Next, approach the threshold and give the “Wait” cue right before reaching it.
  • Open the Door/Gate Slightly: If your dog remains in place, open the door/gate a bit. If they move, close it and reset.
  • Reward for Staying Put: Reward any moment they stay still with the door/gate slightly open.
  • Increase Challenge: Gradually open the door/gate more while expecting them to wait.

Building Duration and Distance

  • Longer Waits: Start increasing the time they must wait before getting a reward.
  • Step Through the Door/Gate: If they remain waiting, step through the threshold yourself while keeping them on the other side.
  • Return and Reward: Come back through and reward them for waiting.

Adding Release Cue

  • Introduce a Release Cue: Choose a word like “Okay” or “Free” to signal they can move.
  • Practice the Release Cue: After waiting, use the cue, and step through the door/gate together.
  • Reward After Crossing: Initially, reward right after they cross the threshold following the release cue.

Addressing Common Challenges

  • Rushing Through: If your dog rushes through, reset and try again with a shorter wait time.
  • Distractibility: If they’re distracted, practice in a quieter environment before gradually adding distractions.
  • Impatience: Keep training sessions short and positive to maintain interest.

Advanced Training

  • Adding Distractions: Gradually introduce distractions like noises or other people.
  • Increasing Wait Time: Slowly increase the duration they are expected to wait.
  • Practicing at Different Doors/Gates: Use different thresholds to generalize the behavior.

Training your dog to wait at doors and gates is a critical aspect of impulse control that enhances safety and discipline. It teaches them that patience is rewarded and that not every open door means an opportunity to bolt through. Consistency, patience, and gradual progression are key in this training. As your dog becomes proficient, this behavior becomes a valuable part of their daily routine, ensuring their safety and your peace of mind.

Leave It: Impulse Control Training

The “Leave It” cue is a critical component of impulse control training, teaching dogs to willingly ignore or move away from an item. This cue is invaluable in preventing dogs from picking up potentially harmful objects or food. Here is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to effectively teach your dog the “Leave It” cue.


  • Select Suitable Treats: Have two types of treats – one of lower value (ordinary) and one of higher value (more appealing). The lower value treat will be used to teach the cue, and the higher value one as a reward.
  • Choose a Training Area: Start in a quiet, distraction-free environment.
  • Mindset and Patience: Be prepared for gradual progress and maintain a calm and patient demeanor throughout the training.

Introducing the Cue

  • Enclosing the Treat: Hold the lower-value treat in your hand and close your fist around it. Let your dog sniff it but not access it.
  • Introducing the Cue: Say “Leave It” in a firm, clear voice when your dog sniffs or licks at your fist.
  • Waiting for a Reaction: Wait until your dog stops sniffing or licking your hand. They may back off, sit, or look away.
  • Marking the Success: As soon as they stop trying to get the treat, mark this moment with a clicker or a verbal marker like “Yes!”.
  • Rewarding: Give your dog a higher-value treat from your other hand. Do not give them the treat you asked them to leave.
  • Repetition: Repeat this several times over short, focused training sessions.
  • Increasing the Challenge
  • Open Hand: Once your dog is consistently responding to the cue with a closed fist, try with an open hand, palm covering the treat.
  • Responding to the Cue: Say “Leave It”. If your dog moves towards the treat, close your hand. If they refrain, mark the behavior and reward with a higher value treat.
  • Floor Exercise: Place the lower value treat on the floor and cover it with your hand. Repeat the “Leave It” cue, rewarding your dog for obeying.

Further Steps and Proofing

  • Leaving Uncovered Treats: Gradually practice with the treat uncovered on the floor, ready to cover it if your dog attempts to take it.
  • Distancing: Practice giving the cue from a short distance away from the treat.
  • Different Objects: Begin using various objects, not just treats, to generalize the behavior.

Addressing Challenges

  • Grabbing the Treat: If your dog grabs the treat before the cue, go back to a more manageable step and slow down the progression.
  • Lack of Interest: Ensure you are using high-value rewards that are enticing enough for your dog.
  • Distractions: If your dog struggles with distractions, reduce them until they are more proficient with the cue.

Advanced Training and Real-Life Applications

  • Real-Life Scenarios: Practice “Leave It” with real-life temptations in safe, controlled environments.
  • Consistent Reinforcement: Reinforce the cue regularly in various settings and situations.
  • Long-Term Rewards: Over time, use praise and petting as rewards, transitioning away from always giving treats.

The “Leave It” cue is a fundamental aspect of a dog’s impulse control training. It empowers pet guardians to manage their dog’s interactions with their environment effectively, enhancing safety and discipline. Consistent practice, patience, and gradual increase in difficulty are essential for mastering this cue. Remember, every dog learns at a different pace, and adapting the training to their individual learning style is key to success.

“Drop It” – Impulse Control Training

The “Drop It” cue is vital for ensuring safety and teaching your dog to release an item from their mouth on cue. It’s particularly important for preventing dogs from ingesting harmful objects or for managing possessive behaviors. Here’s a detailed, step-by-step guide to teach your dog to reliably respond to the “Drop It” cue.


  • Select Appropriate Items: Choose a toy or object your dog likes but is not overly possessive about, and have high-value treats for trading.
  • Training Environment: Begin in a quiet place with few distractions.
  • Patient Mindset: Be prepared for gradual progress and keep sessions positive and short.

Introducing the Cue

  • Engage with a Toy: Start by playing with your dog using the chosen toy.
  • Calm Play: Ensure the play is controlled and not overly excited to keep your dog focused.
  • Introduce the Cue: In the middle of play, hold a high-value treat near your dog’s nose and say “Drop It” in a clear, firm tone.
  • Wait for the Release: The moment your dog releases the toy, praise them and immediately give the high-value treat.
  • Return the Toy: After rewarding with the treat, give the toy back. This teaches your dog that dropping an item doesn’t always mean losing it.

Reinforcing the Cue

  • Repetition: Repeat this process several times in each training session.
  • Gradual Increase in Value: Slowly work up to toys or objects your dog values more.
  • Consistency: Practice this cue regularly during playtimes.

Building Reliability

  • Varying Toys and Objects: Use different toys and objects to generalize the cue.
  • Distraction Introduction: As your dog becomes more proficient, practice in areas with more distractions.
  • Distance Cues: Start giving the “Drop It” cue from a distance, increasing the challenge.

Common Challenges and Solutions

  • Refusal to Drop: If your dog doesn’t drop the item, don’t try to pull it out of their mouth. This could turn into a game of tug. Instead, lure with the treat again.
  • Lack of Interest in Treats: Make sure the treat is of higher value than the toy. If not, find a more enticing reward.
  • Overexcitement: If your dog gets too excited, take a break and try later with a calmer demeanor.

Advanced Training

  • Real-Life Situations: Practice “Drop It” in different real-life scenarios, like during walks or in the park.
  • Phasing Out Treats: Gradually reduce the frequency of treats, using verbal praise and affection as rewards.
  • Integrating with Other Cues: Combine “Drop It” with other cues like “Sit” or “Stay” for more complex training scenarios.

Mastering the “Drop It” cue is essential for your dog’s safety and your peace of mind. It’s a key element in impulse control training that empowers you to manage potentially dangerous situations and enhances your dog’s obedience. Remember, the success of this training lies in patience, consistency, and the use of positive reinforcements. Each dog learns at their own pace, so tailor your training approach to suit your dog’s individual learning style and progress.

“Stay” – Impulse Control Training

The “Stay” cue is a fundamental aspect of impulse control training, teaching dogs to remain in a specific position (sit or down) until released. It’s crucial for safety, discipline, and managing behaviors in various settings. Here’s an in-depth guide to teach your dog the “Stay” cue effectively.


  • Choose a Quiet Area: Start in a distraction-free environment.
  • Gather Necessary Items: Have treats ready for rewards, and a leash if needed.
  • Calm and Positive Attitude: Approach the training with patience and positive reinforcement.

Introducing the Stay Cue

  • Start with Sit or Down: Have your dog in a comfortable sit or down position.
  • Introduce the Cue: Calmly say “Stay” while using a hand signal, such as an open palm facing your dog.
  • Take a Small Step Back: After giving the cue, take a single step backward.
  • Immediate Reward for Compliance: If your dog stays, even for a second, immediately reward them with a treat and praise.
  • Repeat and Reinforce: Practice this several times, rewarding each successful stay.

Gradually Increasing the Challenge

  • Increase Duration: Start extending the time between giving the cue and giving the reward. Begin with a few seconds and gradually increase.
  • Increase Distance: Take more steps back before rewarding. Start with two steps, then slowly increase the distance as your dog succeeds.
  • Introduce Distractions: Once your dog is reliably staying, begin practicing with mild distractions in the environment.

Common Challenges and Solutions

  • Breaking the Stay: If your dog moves before the cue is released, calmly return them to the original position and try again with a shorter duration or distance.
  • Distractions: If your dog struggles with distractions, reduce the level of distraction and gradually build it up again.
  • Impatience or Frustration: Keep training sessions short and positive. If signs of frustration appear, take a break and play with your dog.

Advanced Training Techniques

  • Vary Positions: Practice the “Stay” cue with your dog in different positions, such as sitting, lying down, or standing.
  • Longer Distances and Durations: Gradually increase the distance you move away from your dog, as well as the duration of the stay.
  • Different Environments: Practice in various locations to generalize the behavior.

Real-Life Applications

  • Doorways and Gates: Use the “Stay” cue to prevent your dog from bolting through open doors.
  • Greeting Guests: Teach your dog to stay when guests arrive to prevent jumping or overly excited greetings.
  • Safety in Public Places: Use “Stay” to keep your dog safe in potentially dangerous situations, like near busy streets.

The “Stay” cue is a cornerstone in a dog’s impulse control training. It fosters patience, discipline, and self-control, essential for a well-behaved and manageable dog. Remember, consistency, gradual progression, and positive reinforcement are key to successful training. Every dog learns at their own pace, so be patient and adjust the training to your dog’s individual learning style and abilities.

“Go to Your Place” – Impulse Control Training

“Go to Your Place” is a cue that teaches dogs to go to a designated spot, such as a bed or mat, and stay there until released. This training is particularly beneficial in managing space-related behaviors and maintaining order in various settings. Here’s a step-by-step guide to teach this important skill.


  • Choose the ‘Place’: Select a specific spot like a bed, mat, or a defined area that will be your dog’s ‘place.’ Ensure it’s comfortable and distinct.
  • Gather Supplies: Have treats or a favorite toy for rewards, and a leash if your dog tends to wander.
  • Pick a Quiet Area: Start in a space with minimal distractions to help your dog focus.

Introduction to ‘Place’

  • Familiarize with the Place: Let your dog explore their ‘place.’ Place treats on it to make it inviting.
  • Introduce the Cue: Lead your dog to their ‘place’ and, as they step onto it, say “Go to your place” in a cheerful tone.
  • Immediate Praise and Reward: As soon as your dog is on their ‘place,’ reward them with a treat and affection.
  • Repeat the Process: Continue guiding your dog to their ‘place,’ using the cue each time and rewarding them for compliance.

Establishing the Behavior

  • Start with a Leash: Initially, use a leash to guide your dog to their ‘place’ if needed.
  • Add Distance Gradually: Begin asking your dog to go to their ‘place’ from a short distance away, gradually increasing the distance over time.
  • Reward on the ‘Place’: Give your dog treats only when they are on their ‘place’ to reinforce that being there is rewarding.

Incorporating Duration and Release Cue

  • Build Duration: Once your dog goes to their ‘place,’ start extending how long they stay there before getting a treat.
  • Use a Release Cue: Introduce a release cue like “Okay” or “Free” to signal when your dog can leave their ‘place.’
  • Practice Regularly: Regular repetition will solidify the behavior. Practice multiple times throughout the day in short sessions.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Leaving the ‘Place’ Early: If your dog leaves before the release cue, calmly guide them back to their ‘place’ without scolding. Reset and try a shorter duration.
  • Lack of Interest: If your dog isn’t interested in going to their ‘place,’ use higher-value treats or their favorite toy to entice them.
  • Distractions: Start with a low-distraction environment and gradually introduce more distractions as your dog becomes proficient.

Advanced Training

  • Adding Distractions: Practice with various distractions in the environment to strengthen the cue.
  • Practicing in Different Locations: Teach your dog to find and settle in their ‘place’ in different rooms or places.
  • Combining with Other Cues: Use ‘Go to Your Place’ in conjunction with cues like ‘Stay’ or ‘Down’ for added control.

Real-World Applications

  • During Meals: Direct your dog to their ‘place’ during family meals to prevent begging or underfoot.
  • When Guests Arrive: Use it to manage greetings and prevent overexcitement when visitors come to your home.
  • In Public Places: Bring a portable mat to create a familiar ‘place’ for your dog in new environments, aiding in settling down in busy or unfamiliar locations.

Teaching your dog the “Go to Your Place” cue is an effective way to manage their movement and behavior in various settings. It provides a structured way for them to understand where they should be, especially in situations where they need to be out of the way or calm. Consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are key in this training process. Adapt the training to your dog’s individual pace and learning style for the best results.

“Eye Contact/Focus” – Impulse Control Training

Training your dog to make eye contact or focus on cue is a powerful tool in impulse control training. It helps in building concentration, especially in distracting environments, and is essential for redirecting your dog’s attention from potential distractions. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide to teach your dog to maintain eye contact or focus on cue.


  • Choose a Quiet Place: Start in an environment with minimal distractions to help your dog focus.
  • Select Treats: Have a supply of small, high-value treats that your dog finds irresistible.
  • Decide on a Cue: Choose a specific word or phrase like “Look” or “Focus” to signal the desired behavior.

Introducing the Cue

  • Get Your Dog’s Attention: Hold a treat close to your face.
  • Introduce the Cue: As your dog looks at you, say your chosen cue (“Look” or “Focus”).
  • Reward Eye Contact: The moment your dog makes eye contact, even briefly, immediately give a treat and praise.
  • Repeat the Process: Continue practicing this, gradually increasing the duration of eye contact before giving the treat.

Increasing the Duration

  • Hold the Gaze: Once your dog consistently makes eye contact when cued, start delaying the treat to encourage longer eye contact.
  • Use a Timer: Begin with short intervals like 2 seconds, then gradually increase the duration.
  • Praise and Reward: Continuously praise your dog while they maintain eye contact and reward them after the set time has passed.

Adding Distractions

  • Introduce Mild Distractions: Practice in environments with slight distractions, like a different room or near a window.
  • Maintain the Cue: Use the same cue and reward system, regardless of distractions.
  • Gradually Increase Distraction Level: As your dog becomes proficient, practice in more challenging environments like the park or during walks.

Common Challenges and Solutions

  • Lack of Interest: If your dog seems disinterested, use more enticing treats or shorten the training sessions to keep them engaged.
  • Breaking Eye Contact Quickly: If your dog breaks eye contact too soon, go back to shorter durations and gradually build up again.
  • Distractions: If your dog struggles with distractions, reduce the level of distraction and slowly reintroduce more challenging environments.

Advanced Training

  • Longer Durations: Practice maintaining eye contact for extended periods.
  • Dynamic Environments: Try the exercise in different settings and situations.
  • Integrate with Other Cues: Combine the eye contact/focus cue with other cues for more complex exercises.

Real-World Applications

  • During Walks: Use the cue to maintain your dog’s focus and prevent them from reacting to distractions like other animals or people.
  • In Busy Environments: Reinforce the cue in crowded or noisy places to keep your dog calm and focused on you.
  • Training and Socialization: Utilize this cue during training sessions or when socializing with other dogs and people to maintain control and attention.

Teaching your dog to maintain eye contact or focus on cue is an invaluable part of their training, especially for managing their response to distractions. It fosters a deeper connection between you and your dog and enhances their ability to concentrate in various environments. As with all training, patience, consistency, and gradual progression are key. Tailor the training to your dog’s individual learning pace, and remember to make it a positive and rewarding experience.

“Controlled Walking/Heel” – Impulse Control Training

Training your dog for controlled walking or heeling is essential for a comfortable and safe walking experience. This training teaches dogs to walk calmly by your side without pulling on the leash. Here’s a comprehensive step-by-step guide to teach your dog to heel.


  • Choose a Suitable Leash and Collar/Harness: Use a comfortable collar or harness and a standard leash, avoiding retractable leashes for training.
  • Pick High-Value Treats: Have treats that your dog loves, which will be used to reward and maintain focus.
  • Quiet Training Area: Start in a distraction-free area to help your dog concentrate.

Introducing the Heel Position

  • Position Your Dog: Have your dog sit at your left side (traditional heel position) with the leash in your right hand, crossing over your body. This setup gives you more control.
  • Introduce the Heel Cue: Use a cue word like “Heel” or “Let’s walk” as you start to walk.
  • Take a Few Steps: Start walking forward a few steps, encouraging your dog to follow alongside.

Rewarding Position and Attention

  • Reward by Your Side: As you walk, reward your dog with treats from your left hand for staying by your side.
  • Verbal Praise: Continuously praise your dog when they maintain the heel position.
  • Short Sessions: Initially, keep training sessions brief but frequent to maintain your dog’s interest and prevent fatigue.

Building Consistency

  • Increase Walking Duration: Gradually increase the number of steps you take before giving a treat.
  • Randomize Rewards: Start giving treats at irregular intervals to prevent your dog from anticipating when they’ll get rewarded.
  • Practice Turns: Incorporate turns into your walk, rewarding your dog for staying by your side.

Adding Distractions

  • Gradual Introduction of Distractions: As your dog becomes proficient, practice in areas with slight distractions.
  • Maintain Focus: Use treats and verbal cues to keep your dog’s attention on you amidst distractions.
  • Increase Challenge: Slowly increase the level of distractions as your dog becomes more skilled at maintaining the heel.

Common Challenges and Solutions

  • Pulling on the Leash: If your dog pulls, stop walking immediately. Resume only when the leash is slack.
  • Lack of Focus: If your dog gets easily distracted, shorten the training sessions and use higher-value treats.
  • Overexcitement: If your dog is too excited, practice after they’ve had some exercise, so they’re calmer.

Advanced Training

  • Off-Leash Heeling: In a safe, enclosed area, practice heeling without a leash.
  • Heeling Through Obstacles: Navigate through various obstacles like cones or parks to simulate real-world distractions.
  • Changing Paces: Practice walking at different speeds, ensuring your dog maintains the heel position.

Real-World Applications

  • Busy Streets: Use heeling to safely navigate crowded or traffic-heavy areas.
  • Meeting Other Dogs: Maintain control and focus when encountering other dogs during walks.
  • Vet Visits and Public Spaces: Use heeling to keep your dog calm and controlled in places like the vet or dog-friendly stores.

Controlled walking or heeling is a vital skill for a pleasant and safe walking experience with your dog. It requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. Tailoring the training to your dog’s pace and rewarding them for their progress is key. With regular practice and gradual introduction of distractions, your dog will learn to walk calmly by your side, making every walk enjoyable for both of you.

“Food Bowl Control” – Impulse Control Training

Teaching your dog food bowl control is crucial for instilling patience and preventing rushing during meal times. This training involves teaching your dog to wait calmly while their meal is prepared and only begin eating after a specific release cue. Here’s an in-depth guide to effectively train your dog in food bowl control.


  • Choose a Consistent Release Cue: Decide on a specific word or phrase like “Eat” or “Okay” to signal that your dog can start eating.
  • Select the Feeding Area: Designate a consistent spot where you always feed your dog.
  • Meal Preparation: Have your dog’s meal ready in a bowl but out of reach.

Introducing the Concept

  • Calm Start: Begin by having your dog sit or stand calmly in their feeding area.
  • Hold the Bowl: Pick up the bowl with their food and hold it at your waist level.
  • Issue a Wait Cue: Use a cue like “Wait” or “Stay” as you slowly lower the bowl toward the ground.

Lowering the Bowl

  • Gradual Descent: Start lowering the bowl towards the ground. If your dog moves to get the food, raise the bowl back up.
  • Patience is Key: Only continue lowering the bowl if your dog remains in a waiting position (sitting or standing still).
  • Practice and Repetition: Repeat this process of lowering and raising the bowl until you can place it on the ground without your dog breaking their wait.

Implementing the Release Cue

  • Use the Release Cue: Once the bowl is on the ground and your dog is still waiting, use your chosen release cue to allow them to eat.
  • Praise and Allow Eating: After giving the release cue, encourage your dog to eat and praise them for waiting.
  • Consistency in Every Meal: Repeat this exercise with every meal to reinforce the behavior.

Gradual Increase in Difficulty

  • Increase Waiting Time: Gradually increase the time between placing the bowl down and giving the release cue.
  • Vary Your Position: Stand in different positions around your dog while they wait, ensuring they maintain control regardless of your location.


  • Impatience or Excitement: If your dog struggles to wait, shorten the waiting time initially, and gradually increase as they improve.
  • Breaking the Wait Early: If your dog eats before the release cue, calmly remove the bowl, reset, and start the process again.
  • Distractions: Initially, train in a quiet environment free from distractions and gradually introduce everyday household distractions.

Advanced Training

  • Adding Distractions: Practice in more distracting environments once your dog is consistently waiting for the release cue.
  • Changing Feeding Times: Vary the feeding schedule to prevent your dog from anticipating meal times.

Real-World Applications

  • Guests During Meal Times: Use this training to keep your dog calm and controlled when there are visitors during their feeding times.
  • Multi-Dog Households: This training is beneficial in homes with multiple dogs, ensuring orderly and calm feeding routines.
  • Preventing Food Aggression: Food bowl control training can help in managing and preventing food-related aggression by teaching patience and control.

Food bowl control training is a critical part of your dog’s overall behavior management, promoting calmness and discipline around food. It requires consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement. By practicing regularly and maintaining the routine, your dog will learn to control their impulses during mealtimes, leading to a more harmonious and stress-free feeding experience for both of you,

“Settle on a Mat” – Impulse Control Training

Teaching your dog to “Settle on a Mat” is a valuable skill for creating a portable and familiar space for them, especially useful in public places or during travel. This training helps in instilling a sense of security and calmness in different environments. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide to teach your dog to settle on a mat.


  • Choose the Right Mat: Select a mat that is comfortable, easy to carry, and distinct from other household items.
  • Gather Treats: Have a supply of your dog’s favorite treats to use as rewards.
  • Pick a Quiet Starting Place: Begin in a familiar, distraction-free environment.

Introducing the Mat

  • Familiarization with the Mat: Place the mat in your training area and allow your dog to explore it. You can encourage this by placing treats on the mat.
  • Positive Association: Each time your dog steps onto the mat, praise them and give a treat.

Teaching the Settle Cue

  • Introduce a Cue Word: As your dog steps onto the mat, use a cue like “Settle” or “Mat.”
  • Encourage Lying Down: Lure your dog into a lying down position on the mat using a treat. Reward them once they are fully lying down.
  • Repeat and Reinforce: Continue practicing this, encouraging your dog to lie down on the mat with the cue word and rewarding them.

Increasing Duration

  • Extend Stay on the Mat: Gradually increase the time your dog spends lying on the mat before receiving a treat.
  • Randomize Treats: Begin to give treats at irregular intervals to prevent your dog from anticipating when they’ll be rewarded.

Adding Distractions

  • Slowly Introduce Distractions: As your dog gets comfortable with lying on the mat, start practicing in slightly busier environments.
  • Maintain the Training: Use the cue word, and continue to reward your dog for settling on the mat amidst distractions.

Generalizing the Behavior

  • Different Locations: Practice in various places to help your dog understand that the cue applies regardless of location.
  • Varying Times: Practice the “Settle on a Mat” cue at different times of the day to generalize the behavior.


  • Reluctance to Stay on the Mat: If your dog leaves the mat early, gently guide them back without scolding, and shorten the duration of the stay.
  • Distractions: If your dog is easily distracted, reduce the distraction level and gradually reintroduce more challenging environments.

Advanced Training

  • Long-Distance Cues: Practice sending your dog to their mat from increasing distances.
  • Duration and Distractions: Work on having your dog settle on the mat for longer periods and in more distracting environments.

Practical Applications

  • Use in Public Places: Train your dog to settle on the mat in parks, outdoor cafes, or while traveling.
  • At Home: Use the mat to manage space during meals, when guests arrive, or in situations where your dog needs a calm space.

“Settle on a Mat” training is invaluable for giving your dog a portable ‘safe space,’ useful in many different environments. It’s a key tool for managing their behavior and ensuring they feel secure, even when away from home. Consistent practice, patience, and positive reinforcement are essential. With time, your dog will learn to associate the mat with calmness and security, making it a versatile tool for behavior management in various settings,

“Gentle Taking of Treats” – Impulse Control Training

Teaching your dog to gently take treats from your hand is an important part of their training, promoting gentle interactions and preventing snatching behavior. This skill is not only polite but also essential for safety, especially when interacting with children or during training sessions. Here’s a detailed guide on how to teach your dog to take treats gently.


  • Select Suitable Treats: Use small, soft treats that your dog enjoys. The size should be easy to handle and not too large to encourage gentle nibbling.
  • Quiet Training Environment: Choose a calm area with minimal distractions to start this training.
  • Patience and Calmness: Approach the training with patience, understanding that some dogs may take longer to learn this behavior.

Introducing Gentle Treat-Taking

  • Hand Feeding: Start by offering a treat in your flat, open hand. This reduces the likelihood of accidental nipping.
  • Cue Word: Introduce a cue like “Gentle” or “Easy” as you present the treat.
  • Offer the Treat: Hold the treat out to your dog. If they approach too aggressively, close your hand around the treat and withdraw it momentarily.

Encouraging Gentleness

  • Wait for Calm Behavior: Only offer the treat when your dog approaches your hand calmly and without forceful snatching.
  • Praise Soft Mouth Contact: As soon as your dog takes the treat gently, praise them with a calm and positive voice.
  • Repeat the Process: Continue practicing by offering treats with the “Gentle” cue, rewarding calm and gentle behavior each time.

Addressing Over-Excitement

  • Manage Excitement: If your dog is overly excited, wait for them to calm down before offering the treat again.
  • Teach Self-Control: In cases of persistent snatching, practice basic impulse control exercises like “Sit” and “Wait” before treat giving.

Refining the Behavior

  • Vary Treat Sizes: Once your dog consistently takes treats gently, try using different sizes of treats to generalize the behavior.
  • Different Treat Types: Use various types of treats to ensure your dog remains gentle, regardless of the treat’s texture or size.


  • Accidental Nipping: If your dog accidentally nips your hand, give a gentle verbal reprimand like “Oops” or “No,” and withdraw the treat. Wait a moment before trying again.
  • Consistency is Key: Consistently use the “Gentle” cue and only reward gentle behavior to reinforce the desired action.

Advanced Practice

  • Practice with Different People: Have different family members and friends practice gentle treat-taking with your dog to generalize the behavior.
  • Real-World Application: Use this training before giving treats in public places, during walks, or when meeting new people.

Teaching your dog to take treats gently is a crucial aspect of their overall behavior training. It enhances safety, teaches them self-control, and fosters polite interactions. This training requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. As your dog learns to take treats gently, they become more pleasant to interact with, especially in situations where they receive treats from children or strangers. Remember, every dog learns at their own pace, so adjust your approach to suit your dog’s individual learning style and progress.

“Doorbell Training” – Impulse Control Training

Doorbell training is crucial for teaching dogs to respond calmly to the sound of a doorbell, avoiding excessive barking or rushing to the door. This training involves desensitizing your dog to the sound and rewarding them for calm behavior. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide to effectively train your dog in doorbell training.


  • Record the Doorbell Sound: If possible, record the sound of your doorbell for controlled training sessions.
  • Select High-Value Treats: Choose treats that your dog finds irresistible to use as rewards for calm behavior.
  • Quiet Training Area: Start in an environment where your dog is relaxed and free from distractions.

Introducing the Doorbell Sound

  • Start with a Low Volume: Play the recorded doorbell sound at a low volume, low enough not to elicit a strong reaction from your dog.
  • Observe Your Dog’s Reaction: Watch for any signs of agitation or excitement. If your dog remains calm, reward them with a treat.
  • Gradual Increase in Volume: Over several training sessions, slowly increase the volume of the doorbell sound, always rewarding calm behavior.

Creating a Positive Association

  • Pair the Sound with Treats: Each time the doorbell sound is played, immediately give your dog a treat, creating a positive association with the sound.
  • Regular Practice: Consistently practice this exercise, keeping sessions short but frequent.

Teaching an Alternative Behavior

  • Choose an Alternative Behavior: Decide on a behavior you want your dog to perform when the doorbell rings, such as going to their bed or sitting at your side.
  • Train the Behavior: Teach the desired behavior separately, using treats and praise.
  • Integrate with the Doorbell Sound: Once your dog is familiar with the behavior, start practicing it in conjunction with the doorbell sound. Ring the bell (or play the recording) and cue the alternative behavior. Reward your dog for complying.

Desensitization in Real Situations

  • Practice with the Actual Doorbell: Once your dog is comfortable with the recording, practice with the real doorbell. Have someone ring the doorbell while you work with your dog inside.
  • Stay Consistent: Use the same alternative behavior and reward system as practiced with the recording.


  • Overexcitement or Barking: If your dog continues to bark or rush to the door, take a step back in training. Reduce the volume of the sound or increase the distance from the door.
  • Distractions: If your dog is easily distracted, reduce external distractions and slowly reintroduce them as your dog becomes more proficient.

Real-World Application

  • Regular Doorbell Use: Incorporate this training into daily life, using every doorbell ring as a training opportunity.
  • Visitors’ Cooperation: If possible, involve visitors in the training by having them wait patiently while you cue your dog’s behavior.

Doorbell training is an important aspect of managing your dog’s impulse control and reaction to visitors. By desensitizing your dog to the sound of the doorbell and teaching them an alternative calm behavior, you can create a more peaceful and controlled environment. Remember, patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement are key in this training process. Over time, your dog will learn to associate the doorbell with calm behavior, making the sound a cue for tranquility rather than excitement.

“Waiting for Play” – Impulse Control Training

Training your dog to “Wait for Play” teaches them to remain calm and patient before engaging in play, such as before you throw a toy or start a game. This training is essential for enhancing impulse control and maintaining discipline during playtime. Here’s a step-by-step guide to teach your dog to wait calmly for play.


  • Choose a Familiar Toy: Select a toy that your dog loves but isn’t overly excited about to begin training.
  • Quiet Training Area: Start in a distraction-free environment where your dog can focus on you and the training.
  • Gather Treats: Have treats ready to reward calm and patient behavior.

Introducing the Wait Cue

  • Start with Basic Cues: Begin with basic cues like ‘Sit’ or ‘Stay’ to get your dog into a calm state.
  • Introduce the Toy: Show your dog the toy but keep it out of reach. If your dog gets up or becomes overly excited, hide the toy and ask them to sit again.
  • Use a Wait Cue: As you hold the toy, use a cue like “Wait” to signal your dog to stay calm and in place.

Reinforcing Calm Behavior

  • Reward for Calmness: If your dog remains sitting and calm, reward them with a treat. Do not throw the toy yet.
  • Increase Waiting Time: Gradually increase the time your dog has to wait calmly before you initiate play.
  • Consistency is Key: Regularly practice this exercise to reinforce the behavior.

Incorporating Toy Movement

  • Slowly Move the Toy: Start to move the toy slightly. If your dog breaks their wait, stop the movement, and reset with the ‘Sit’ or ‘Wait’ cue.
  • Reward for Continued Calmness: If your dog remains calm during the toy’s movement, give them a treat.
  • Gradual Increase in Movement: Over time, make the toy movements more pronounced, always rewarding your dog for staying calm and in place.

Beginning Play

  • Release Cue: Once your dog is consistently waiting calmly, introduce a release cue like “Go” or “Fetch” to signal the start of play.
  • Throw the Toy: After giving the release cue, throw the toy for your dog.
  • Post-Play Waiting: After retrieving the toy, ask your dog to sit and wait again before the next throw.


  • Excessive Excitement: If your dog gets too excited and breaks the wait, go back to shorter waiting periods and less toy movement.
  • Lack of Interest: If your dog seems disinterested, use a more exciting toy or play in a more stimulating environment.

Advanced Practice

  • Different Toys and Games: Practice waiting for play with various toys and games to generalize the behavior.
  • Outdoor Practice: Practice in an outdoor or more distracting environment to reinforce the training.
  • Longer Waits: Challenge your dog with longer waiting periods before play.

Real-World Applications

  • At the Park: Use this training to keep your dog calm and controlled before playing fetch or engaging with other dogs.
  • Before Meals or Walks: Apply the same principle to teach patience before meals or going for walks.
  • Playtime with Children: This training is especially beneficial when children are involved in playing with the dog, ensuring a controlled environment.

Teaching your dog to “Wait for Play” is a valuable aspect of their training regimen, enhancing their impulse control and patience. It is particularly useful in managing their excitement levels during play and ensures a more disciplined interaction. Regular practice, patience, and consistency are essential for the success of this training. Over time, your dog will learn to control their impulses, making playtime a more enjoyable and controlled experience for both of you.

“Pause on Walks” – Impulse Control Training

Implementing random pauses during walks is an effective way to reinforce your dog’s attention and obedience. These pauses, where the dog must sit or stand still briefly, help in managing their impulse control and focus during walks. Here’s a step-by-step guide to teach your dog to pause effectively during walks.


  • Leash and Collar/Harness: Ensure you have a comfortable and appropriate leash and collar or harness for your dog.
  • Choose Treats: Have small, easy-to-consume treats that you can give quickly during the walk.
  • Plan Your Route: Choose a walking route that’s familiar to your dog, with minimal initial distractions.

Introducing the Pause

  • Start with a Regular Walk: Begin your walk as usual to allow your dog to settle into the routine.
  • First Pause: After a few minutes of walking, stop walking and use a cue like “Pause” or “Stop”. Encourage your dog to either sit or stand still.
  • Reward Calm Behavior: As soon as your dog sits or stands still, reward them with a treat and praise.

Reinforcing the Pause

  • Implement Random Pauses: Continue your walk and implement random pauses. The unpredictability helps keep your dog’s focus on you.
  • Vary the Duration: Sometimes pause for just a few seconds, other times for a minute or more.
  • Consistent Cue: Use the same verbal cue and/or hand signal each time you pause.

Building Focus

  • Increase Distractions: Gradually introduce pauses in slightly more distracting environments to enhance your dog’s focus.
  • Reduce Treat Frequency: Start giving treats intermittently while still praising every pause.
  • Add Verbal Praise: Use lots of verbal praise to reinforce good behavior, not just treats.


  • Refusal to Pause: If your dog is resistant to pausing, try pausing in a quieter area or use higher-value treats to encourage compliance.
  • Pulling to Resume Walking: If your dog pulls to start walking again, wait until they are calm and focused before resuming.

Advanced Practice

  • Longer Pauses: Gradually increase the duration of some pauses, challenging your dog’s patience and focus.
  • High-Distraction Areas: Practice in busier areas or during times of the day when there are more distractions.
  • Phasing Out Treats: Slowly reduce the reliance on treats, transitioning to mostly verbal praise and occasional treats.

Real-World Applications

  • Busy Intersections: Use the pause training at intersections or busy areas during walks for safety.
  • Greeting People or Dogs: Implement pauses when encountering other people or dogs to maintain control.
  • Doorways and Entrances: Practice pauses at doorways or entrances to buildings to reinforce good manners.

Teaching your dog to pause during walks is an essential component of a well-rounded walking routine, enhancing their attention and responsiveness to cues. This training not only improves walk dynamics but also strengthens your bond and communication with your dog. Regular practice, patience, and consistency are key to effectively integrating this behavior into your walks. As your dog becomes proficient in pausing, you’ll find walks becoming more enjoyable and controlled, contributing to better overall behavior and obedience.

“Calm Greetings” – Impulse Control Training

Training your dog for calm greetings is essential to ensure polite and safe interactions with humans and other animals. This training helps manage their excitement and prevents behaviors like jumping or overzealous greetings. Here’s a step-by-step guide to teach your dog to greet others calmly.


  • Choose a Quiet Environment: Start in a place with few distractions.
  • Have Treats Ready: Use high-value treats to reward calm behavior.
  • Leash Your Dog: Initially, keep your dog on a leash to maintain control during greetings.

Introducing Calm Greetings

  • Start with Basic Cues: Reinforce basic cues like “Sit” or “Stay,” which are fundamental for calm greetings.
  • Role Play Greetings: Have a family member or friend approach slowly. As they approach, give the cue to “Sit” or “Stay.”
  • Reward for Calmness: If your dog remains seated and calm as the person approaches, reward them with treats and praise.

Gradual Exposure to New People

  • Increase Difficulty Gradually: As your dog gets comfortable with familiar people, introduce new people to practice greetings.
  • Controlled Approach: Instruct the new person to approach only when your dog is calm. If your dog gets overly excited, they should stop and turn away.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Reward your dog for remaining calm during these new greetings.

Greeting Other Animals

  • Choose Calm Animals for Initial Greetings: Start with animals known to be calm during greetings.
  • Keep Distance Initially: Allow your dog to observe the other animal from a distance, rewarding calm behavior.
  • Gradually Decrease Distance: As your dog remains calm, gradually decrease the distance between them and the other animal.

Managing Overexcitement

  • Identify Triggers: Understand what excites your dog the most during greetings and work on those specific scenarios.
  • Redirect Attention: If your dog starts to get overly excited, redirect their attention back to you with a treat or a cue.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Regularly practice greetings in various settings and with different people and animals.


  • Jumping Up: If your dog jumps up, turn away and ignore them until they calm down. Only give attention and treats when all four paws are on the ground.
  • Barking or Whining: If your dog barks or whines, pause the greeting, wait for them to calm down, and then try again.

Advanced Training

  • Practice in Public Places: Practice calm greetings in parks, pet stores, or during walks to generalize the behavior in different environments.
  • Different Scenarios: Introduce a variety of greeting scenarios, such as greeting someone sitting on a bench or someone in a wheelchair.

Real-World Applications

  • Greeting Guests at Home: Use this training to manage how your dog greets visitors at your home.
  • Dog-Friendly Events: Prepare your dog for interactions at dog-friendly events or public places.
  • Children and Elderly Interactions: Especially important for greetings involving children or elderly individuals, where calm behavior is crucial.

Training your dog for calm greetings is vital for both their socialization and the safety of those they interact with. This training requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. As your dog learns to greet calmly, you’ll enhance their social skills and ensure their interactions are safe and enjoyable for everyone involved. Regular practice in different settings and with various people and animals will help solidify this important behavior.

“Handling and Grooming Tolerance” – Impulse Control Training

Training your dog to tolerate handling, brushing, and grooming is crucial for their care and well-being. It reduces stress during these necessary activities and ensures their comfort and safety. Here’s a comprehensive guide to gradually acclimate your dog to being handled and groomed.


  • Select the Right Tools: Choose a comfortable brush, grooming tools, and any other necessary equipment suited for your dog’s coat and size.
  • Create a Calm Environment: Select a quiet and familiar area for grooming sessions.
  • Have Treats Ready: Use treats to reward your dog for calm and cooperative behavior.

Introducing Handling and Grooming

  • Start with Short Sessions: Begin with brief handling sessions, petting your dog in areas they are comfortable with, like their back or sides.
  • Introduce Grooming Tools: Let your dog sniff and inspect the brush or grooming tools. Reward them for showing interest without fear or aggression.
  • Gentle Brushing: Start by softly brushing areas your dog is comfortable with, avoiding sensitive spots initially.

Gradually Increasing Tolerance

  • Extend Grooming Time: Gradually increase the duration of grooming sessions as your dog becomes more comfortable.
  • Vary the Grooming Areas: As your dog tolerates brushing well, start to gently brush more sensitive areas like the belly, tail, or ears.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Continuously praise and reward your dog throughout the grooming process for calm behavior.

Handling Sensitive Areas

  • Introduce Sensitive Areas Gently: Touch and handle areas like paws, ears, and around the mouth very gently, rewarding your dog for allowing this handling.
  • Use Treats as Distractions: Offer treats to your dog as you handle these sensitive areas to create a positive association.
  • Regular Practice: Frequently practice handling these areas outside of grooming sessions to build tolerance.

Desensitizing to Specific Grooming Tasks

  • Nail Trimming: Introduce the nail clippers gradually, first letting your dog get used to the sight and sound of them. Start by trimming a single nail and rewarding, gradually increasing the number of nails.
  • Bathing: Make bath time a positive experience with plenty of treats and soothing praise. Start with just getting into the tub, then progress to running water, and so on.
  • Ear Cleaning: Begin by gently wiping the outer part of the ears and gradually work your way in as your dog becomes more comfortable.


  • Fear or Aggression: If your dog shows fear or aggression, step back to a more comfortable point in the process and proceed more slowly.
  • Impatience or Restlessness: Keep grooming sessions short and engaging. Use treats and breaks to keep your dog calm.

Advanced Training

  • Professional Groomer Visits: Once your dog is comfortable being groomed at home, start visiting a professional groomer for short sessions.
  • Handling by Others: Allow other family members or friends to gently handle and brush your dog to generalize their tolerance.

Real-World Applications

  • Veterinary Exams: Regular handling training can make veterinary exams much less stressful for your dog.
  • Safety and Health Checks: Being able to check your dog’s body for ticks, injuries, or abnormalities is crucial for their health.

Acclimating your dog to handling and grooming is a process that requires patience, gentleness, and consistency. By making each step positive and rewarding, you can help your dog learn to tolerate and even enjoy grooming activities. This training is essential for their health and well-being and fosters a trusting relationship between you and your dog. Regular practice and gradual exposure to different grooming activities will ensure your dog remains calm and cooperative during these necessary care routines.

“Quiet on Cue” – Managing Excessive Vocalization

Teaching your dog to be quiet on cue is essential for managing excessive barking or vocalization. This cue helps maintain a peaceful environment and is crucial for effective communication with your dog. Here’s a comprehensive step-by-step guide to train your dog to stop making noise on cue.


  • Choose a Quiet Cue Word: Select a cue word like “Quiet” or “Enough” that you will consistently use to signal your dog to stop barking.
  • Gather Treats: Have high-value treats ready to reward your dog for obeying the cue.
  • Identify Barking Triggers: Understand the situations or stimuli that typically cause your dog to bark.

Introducing the Quiet Cue

  • Wait for Barking: Start a training session when you anticipate your dog will bark, like during their usual barking triggers.
  • Issue the Cue: When your dog starts barking, say your chosen quiet cue in a calm but firm voice.
  • Introduce a Distraction: If the cue alone doesn’t stop the barking, briefly distract your dog with a treat or a toy.

Reinforcing the Cue

  • Reward Silence: As soon as your dog stops barking, even for a few seconds, immediately reward them with a treat and praise.
  • Gradual Extension: Over time, increase the duration of silence you expect before giving the treat.
  • Consistency is Key: Repeat this exercise regularly to reinforce the association between the cue and the cessation of barking.

Building Duration of Silence

  • Delay Rewards: Start delaying the treat for longer periods of silence following the cue.
  • Randomize Treats: Begin giving treats at irregular intervals while still praising every instance of quiet following the cue.

Managing Real-World Barking

  • Apply in Various Situations: Use the quiet cue in different real-life scenarios where your dog tends to bark.
  • Maintain Calmness: Always calmly issue the cue to avoid exciting your dog further.


  • Persistence in Barking: If your dog continues barking after the cue, reassess the trigger and try to address the underlying cause of the barking.
  • Over-Reliance on Treats: Gradually reduce the dependence on treats, transitioning to verbal praise and petting as rewards.

Advanced Training

  • Increase Distractions: Practice the quiet cue in more distracting environments to strengthen your dog’s response.
  • Longer Durations of Quiet: Challenge your dog to remain quiet for progressively longer times after hearing the cue.

Real-World Applications

  • Doorbell or Visitors: Use the cue to manage barking when guests arrive or when the doorbell rings.
  • In Public Places: Apply the cue to control barking in public settings, like parks or outdoor cafes.

Training your dog to be quiet on cue is an invaluable aspect of their behavioral training. It not only aids in maintaining a peaceful environment but also enhances your ability to communicate effectively with your dog. Patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement are crucial in this training process. With regular practice and application in various settings, your dog will learn to respond reliably to the quiet cue, making interactions with them more pleasant and controlled.

“No Chasing” – Impulse Control Training

Training your dog not to chase moving objects, animals, or people is critical for their safety and the safety of others. Chasing can be a natural instinct for many dogs, but controlling this impulse is essential, especially in urban or crowded environments. Here’s a comprehensive guide to teach your dog the “No Chasing” cue.


  • Choose a Cue Word: Select a clear, distinct cue like “No Chase” or “Leave It” to signal the desired behavior.
  • Leash and Harness: Use a sturdy leash and comfortable harness for control during training.
  • High-Value Treats: Have treats that your dog finds irresistible to use as rewards for obeying the cue.

Introducing the Cue

  • Controlled Environment: Start in an area with minimal distractions where you can control the situation, like a fenced yard.
  • Introduce the Trigger: Have someone help by slowly moving an object, another animal, or walking at a distance.
  • Issue the Cue: As soon as your dog shows interest in chasing, issue the cue in a firm and calm voice.

Reinforcing the Behavior

  • Reward for Compliance: If your dog refrains from chasing and pays attention to you, immediately reward them with a treat and praise.
  • Consistent Practice: Regularly practice this in controlled settings, gradually increasing the level of distractions.

Managing Real-Life Scenarios

  • Gradual Exposure: Slowly expose your dog to real-life situations where they might be tempted to chase, always under controlled conditions.
  • Reinforce the Cue: Use the cue in various scenarios, rewarding your dog for complying each time.

Building Impulse Control

  • Increase Distractions: Practice in environments with more distractions and potential triggers.
  • Use a Long Line: For added safety, use a long line to practice in open areas while maintaining control.

Advanced Training Techniques

  • Off-Leash Training: In a secure, enclosed area, practice the cue off-leash, ensuring your dog’s response is reliable even without physical control.
  • Incorporate into Play and Walks: Use the cue during play and regular walks to reinforce it in different contexts.


  • High Prey Drive: If your dog has a strong prey drive, additional patience and practice will be required. Consider seeking professional training assistance if needed.
  • Overexcitement: If your dog gets overly excited and ignores the cue, take a step back in training and reduce the level of distractions.

Real-World Applications

  • Park and Outdoor Safety: Use the cue to prevent your dog from chasing wildlife, other animals, or joggers in parks and outdoor areas.
  • Urban Living: For dogs living in urban environments, the cue can prevent dangerous situations like chasing cars or bicycles.

Training your dog not to chase is a crucial aspect of their overall training and obedience. It requires consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement. Regular practice in different settings will reinforce the cue, ensuring your dog’s safety and the safety of others around them. Remember, every dog has its own pace of learning, so adjust your training approach to suit your dog’s individual needs and progress.

“Switch Game” – Managing Possessiveness and Resource Guarding

The “Switch Game” is an effective training exercise to teach dogs to willingly give up one toy for another, helping in managing possessiveness and resource-guarding behaviors. This game encourages flexibility and sharing, which are important aspects of a well-behaved dog. Here’s a detailed guide on how to teach your dog the Switch Game.


  • Select Two Toys: Choose two toys that your dog likes but does not guard aggressively. Ensure they are of similar value in the dog’s eyes.
  • Quiet Training Area: Begin in a distraction-free environment where your dog can focus on the training.
  • Have Treats Ready: Use treats to encourage and reward the switch between toys.

Introducing the Switch Cue

  • Engage with the First Toy: Start by playing with one of the toys with your dog, getting them interested and engaged.
  • Introduce the Second Toy: While your dog is engaged with the first toy, show them the second toy, holding it close to their line of sight.
  • Issue the Switch Cue: Use a cue like “Switch” or “Trade” as you present the second toy. You can wiggle the second toy to make it more appealing.

Encouraging the Switch

  • Reward the Release: As soon as your dog drops the first toy and shows interest in the second, immediately praise them and allow them to take the second toy.
  • Repeat the Process: Continue the game by switching back to the first toy, using the same cue and rewarding the switch each time.
  • Keep it Fun: Ensure the game stays positive and fun. Avoid pulling toys from your dog’s mouth, as this can encourage possessiveness.

Reinforcing the Behavior

  • Gradual Increase in Difficulty: Once your dog gets the hang of the game, you can try with different toys, including some that they value more.
  • Consistent Cue Usage: Use the same cue word each time to reinforce the behavior.

Managing Possessiveness

  • Addressing Resource Guarding: If your dog shows signs of resource guarding or possessiveness, consult with a professional trainer for tailored advice and training techniques.
  • Positive Association: Always create a positive experience around releasing and switching toys to discourage guarding behavior.


  • Refusal to Switch: If your dog refuses to switch, step back to simpler trades or use higher-value toys to encourage the behavior.
  • Overexcitement: If your dog gets too excited, take a break and resume the game later to prevent overstimulation.

Advanced Training

  • Introduce New Objects: Gradually introduce other objects like bones or chews into the switch game.
  • Real-Life Application: Use the switch cue to manage situations where your dog might pick up something they shouldn’t have.

Real-World Applications

  • Prevent Possessive Aggression: This training can help prevent aggressive tendencies related to resource guarding.
  • Safe Object Retrieval: Useful for safely retrieving objects from your dog that they shouldn’t have, replacing them with a permissible item.

The Switch Game is a valuable tool in teaching your dog to give up objects willingly, which is crucial in managing possessiveness and resource-guarding behaviors. Consistency, patience, and making the game enjoyable are key elements for successful training. Regular practice will help your dog understand that giving up one item means they get something else, reinforcing positive behavior around sharing and trading.

“Patience in Crate” – Crate Training for Calmness and Patience

Teaching a dog to wait calmly in their crate until released is an essential aspect of crate training. It fosters patience and helps dogs feel comfortable and secure in confined spaces. This training is beneficial for situations where dogs need to be crated for their safety or transport. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to teach your dog patience in their crate.


  • Choose the Right Crate: Select a crate that is the appropriate size for your dog – large enough for them to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably.
  • Make the Crate Comfortable: Equip the crate with a comfortable bed or blanket and some safe toys.
  • Have Treats Ready: Use treats to encourage and reward your dog for calm behavior in the crate.

Introducing the Crate

  • Create Positive Associations: Allow your dog to explore the crate at their own pace without closing the door. Place treats inside to encourage exploration.
  • Feeding Meals in the Crate: Start feeding your dog their meals inside the crate to create a positive association with it.

Teaching Calmness in the Crate

  • Short Confined Periods: Once your dog is comfortable with the crate, start closing the door for short periods while you are in the room.
  • Stay Close Initially: Sit near the crate initially to provide reassurance, gradually increasing the distance as your dog becomes more comfortable.
  • Reward Calm Behavior: Praise and reward your dog for remaining calm and quiet in the crate.

Building Duration

  • Gradually Increase Time: Slowly increase the amount of time your dog spends in the crate with the door closed, starting with just a few minutes and building up to longer periods.
  • Presence and Absence: Practice leaving the room for short periods while your dog is crated, gradually increasing the time you are out of sight.

Reinforcing Patience

  • Wait Before Releasing: Before opening the crate, wait for a moment when your dog is calm. If they are whining or pawing at the crate, wait until they settle down before opening.
  • Use a Release Cue: Teach a release cue like “Okay” to use every time you open the crate. This helps your dog understand that they should wait for this cue before exiting.


  • Anxiety or Distress: If your dog shows signs of anxiety or distress in the crate, scale back the training. Consider consulting a professional for advice, especially for signs of separation anxiety.
  • Barking or Whining: If your dog barks or whines in the crate, ensure they have had enough exercise and mental stimulation. Ignore the whining until it stops, then reward the quiet behavior.

Advanced Crate Training

  • Longer Periods in the Crate: Practice having your dog in the crate for extended periods, ensuring they are comfortable and have access to water if needed.
  • Crate Training in Different Environments: Practice crate training in different locations to generalize the behavior.

Real-World Applications

  • Travel and Transportation: Crate training is essential for safe and stress-free travel with your dog, whether in a car or for flights.
  • Veterinary Visits and Boarding: Dogs that are comfortable in crates have less stress during vet visits or when being boarded.

Crate training for patience is a crucial aspect of a dog’s overall training regimen. It ensures that dogs can remain calm and relaxed in their crate, which is beneficial for both safety and management purposes. Training should be gradual, positive, and stress-free, aiming to create a safe haven for the dog rather than a place of confinement. Regular practice, patience, and positive reinforcement will make the crate a comfortable and secure space for your dog.

Summary of Control Training for Dogs

Impulse control training is vital for a well-behaved and disciplined dog. It involves teaching dogs to manage their natural impulses in various scenarios, enhancing their obedience and safety. Here’s a detailed summary of the comprehensive guide, along with next steps for continued training and development.

Key Training Areas and Techniques

  • Sit to Say Please: Cultivates patience and politeness, teaching dogs to sit for everything they want, reinforcing calm behavior for rewards.
  • Wait at Doors/Gates: Focuses on safety and obedience by training dogs to wait at open doors or gates until given a release cue.
  • Leave It: Involves teaching dogs to ignore or move away from an item or food upon cue, crucial for preventing ingestion of harmful items.
  • Drop It: Essential for safety, this teaches dogs to release items they have in their mouths on cue.
  • Stay: Trains dogs to remain in a position until released, increasing duration and distance gradually.
  • Go to Your Place: Directs dogs to a specific spot and stay there until released, useful in various settings for space management.
  • Eye Contact/Focus: Encourages dogs to maintain eye contact on cue, aiding concentration in distracting situations.
  • Controlled Walking/Heel: Focuses on teaching dogs to walk calmly by the pet parent’s side without pulling.
  • Food Bowl Control: Trains dogs to wait calmly while their food is prepared and to eat only after a release cue.
  • Settle on a Mat: Teaches dogs to settle down on a mat, fostering calmness in different environments.
  • Gentle Taking of Treats: Encourages dogs to take treats gently from the hand, preventing snatching.
  • Doorbell Training: Trains dogs to remain calm and not to rush or bark excessively when the doorbell rings.
  • Waiting for Play: Teaches dogs to wait calmly before a toy is thrown or a game is started.
  • Pause on Walks: Involves implementing random stops during walks where the dog must sit or stand still briefly.
  • Calm Greetings: Trains dogs to greet humans and other animals calmly, without jumping or excessive excitement.
  • Handling and Grooming Tolerance: Gradually acclimates dogs to being handled, brushed, or groomed.
  • Quiet on Cue: Teaches dogs to stop barking or making noise on a given cue.
  • No Chasing: Trains dogs to resist the impulse to chase after objects, animals, or people.
  • Switch Game: Teaches dogs to switch from one toy to another on cue, managing possessiveness.
  • Patience in Crate: Focuses on teaching dogs to wait calmly in a crate until released.

Next Steps for Training and Development

  • Consistency in Practice: Regular practice of these training exercises is crucial. Consistency helps reinforce learned behaviors.
  • Gradual Increase in Difficulty: As your dog masters each skill, gradually increase the difficulty level by adding distractions or extending the duration of tasks.
  • Real-World Application: Apply these training exercises in everyday scenarios to help your dog generalize their skills in different environments.
  • Professional Guidance: If certain behaviors present significant challenges, consider seeking help from a professional dog trainer or behaviorist.
  • Continuous Learning: Dogs benefit from lifelong learning. Keep introducing new skills and refining existing ones.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Always use positive reinforcement techniques. Reward and praise your dog for their efforts and achievements.

Impulse control training is a multifaceted approach essential for every dog’s behavioral development. It not only ensures their safety and well-being but also enhances the quality of life for both the dog and the pet parent. Patience, understanding, and positive reinforcement are key to successful training. Regular practice and application of these skills in everyday life will lead to a well-behaved, obedient, and happy dog. Remember, every dog is unique, so tailor the training to suit your dog’s individual needs and pace of learning. Impulse control training is a continuous and evolving process. It not only promotes good behavior but also strengthens the bond between pet guardians and their dogs. Consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are key elements in this training journey. For further development, consider enrolling in advanced training classes or consulting with a certified dog behavior consultant like myself, who can provide personalized guidance and support.




  • American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB) Position Statement on the Use of Punishment for Behavior Modification in Animals. (2007).
  • Clark, G. I., & Boyer, W. N. (1993). The effects of dog obedience training and behavioural counselling upon the human-canine relationship. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 37(3), 297-305.
  • Herron, M. E., Shofer, F. S., & Reisner, I. R. (2009). Survey of the use and outcome of confrontational and non-confrontational training methods in client-owned dogs showing undesired behaviors. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 117(1-2), 47-54.
  • American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB) Position Statement on the Use of Punishment for Behavior Modification in Animals. (2007).
  • Milani, M. (2008). The body language and emotion of dogs. Quill.
  • Overall, K. L. (2013). Manual of Clinical Behavioral Medicine for Dogs and Cats. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Remember, the key to successful impulse control training lies in understanding your dog’s individual needs and adapting the training accordingly. Happy training!

Counter-conditioning for Dogs

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