Monthly Archives: February 2024

How to Stop Puppy Biting

A young golden retriever puppy gently biting a human's finger.

Effective Puppy Bite Inhibition: Gentle Training Strategies By Will Bangura, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA, FFCP (Dog Behaviorist) Certified Dog Behavior Consultants In the journey of raising a well-mannered and sociable canine companion, teaching bite inhibition is one of the fundamental milestones. Bite inhibition, the ability of a dog to control the force of its mouth when biting, […]

The Quiet Command and How to Stop Excessive Barking 

Dog practicing the quiet command on grass to reduce excessive barking

Mastering the Quiet Command: A Comprehensive Guide to Reducing Exsessive Dog Barking By Will Bangura, M.S., CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA, FFCP, (Dog Behaviorist,) Certified Dog Behavior Consultant Excessive barking in dogs is not just a disturbance to pet guardians and their neighbors; it’s a behavior that can signal underlying issues such as anxiety, boredom, or territorial behavior. […]

How to Train Your Dog to Stop Chasing: A Comprehensive Guide

Behavior Specialist for Dogs that Chase

How to Train Your Dog to Stop Chasing: A Comprehensive Guide   By Will Bangura, M.S., CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA, FFCP, (Dog Behaviorist) Certified Dog Behavior Consultant Chasing behavior in dogs is a complex phenomenon that straddles the line between natural instinct and potential problem. At its core, the urge to chase stems from a dog’s ancestral hunting drive, […]