Category Archives: Addison’s disease

PICA Disorder in Dogs


Pica in Dogs PICA  in Dogs By Will Bangura, M.S., CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA, (Dog Behaviorist) Certified Behavior Consultant. PICA  in Dogs, the consumption of non-food items, is a dangerous and potentially life-threatening behavior in dogs. Pet owners must understand the causes of PICA in dogs, the potential dangers, and how to treat and prevent it. THE […]

Medical Conditions That Can Affect Your Dog’s Behavior.

Medical conditions that can affect your dog's behavior

Medical Conditions That Can Affect Your Dog’s Behavior. This article on medical conditions that can affect your dog’s behavior is not meant as medical advice, nor is this article intended to diagnose or treat any medical conditions. This article is for informational purposes only. Always consult with a licensed veterinarian for any medical illness, disease, […]