Stop Dog Digging: Expert Strategies for Managing Your Canine’s Behavior

Dog digging in a garden being trained to stop, illustrating effective canine behavior management strategies.

Addressing and Resolving Digging Behavior in Dogs

By Will Bangura, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA, FFCP, (Dog Behaviorist), Certified Dog Behavior Consultant

Digging: it’s a behavior that unites many dogs, from the tiniest Terrier to the largest Labrador. It can transform pristine lawns into lunar landscapes and leave pet parents feeling frustrated and helpless. But why do dogs dig? Is it simply a mischievous habit, or is there more beneath the surface?

Understanding the root causes of digging is pivotal. Dogs dig for a myriad of reasons – from the deeply instinctual to the environmentally stimulated. For some, it’s a throwback to their ancestors’ behaviors, hardwired into their DNA. For others, it might be a response to environmental factors, like boredom or lack of stimulation. Recognizing these causes is the first step in addressing the issue effectively.

However, it’s important to remember that digging, in many cases, is a natural, normal canine behavior. Our goal isn’t to punish our furry friends for expressing this trait but to guide them toward more appropriate outlets for their energy and instincts. This requires patience, understanding, and a thoughtful approach.

As pet parents and guardians, it’s essential to approach this challenge with empathy. Your dog isn’t digging to defy you; they’re expressing a need or instinct that must be acknowledged and redirected. With the right strategies, we can manage and modify this behavior, ensuring a happy, healthy environment for both you and your dog.

In this guide, we’ll explore the various reasons behind digging behavior, from instinctual urges to environmental factors, and provide practical, step-by-step strategies to address and resolve this common issue. Whether you’re dealing with a puppy discovering the joys of excavation or an adult dog with a well-established digging habit, this guide is designed to help you understand and effectively manage this behavior.

Understanding Why Dogs Dig

To effectively address and modify a dog’s digging behavior, it is crucial to understand the various reasons that can drive this behavior. From instinctual habits to environmental responses, each dog’s digging can stem from different causes.

  1. Instinctual Behaviors:
  • Breeds Predisposed to Digging: Certain breeds have a natural inclination to dig. For example, Terriers, historically bred for hunting underground prey, often retain this digging instinct. This breed-specific behavior is well-documented in breed guides and behavior studies, such as those by the American Kennel Club.
  • Historical and Genetic Factors: The ancestral behaviors of dogs, linked to their wolf ancestors, include digging for purposes like hunting and den-making. Coppinger and Coppinger (2001), in their book “Dogs: A New Understanding of Canine Origin, Behavior, and Evolution,” discuss these evolutionary traits in dogs.
  1. Environmental Factors:
  • Lack of Stimulation or Boredom: Dogs that are not sufficiently mentally or physically stimulated may resort to digging. Studies like those published in the “Journal of Veterinary Behavior” have shown that environmental enrichment can significantly reduce unwanted behaviors in dogs.
  • Inadequate Exercise: A dog’s exercise needs vary by breed, age, and health. Lack of adequate exercise can lead to the development of repetitive or destructive behaviors, including digging, as noted by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).
  1. Behavioral Causes:
  • Seeking Attention: Dogs may dig as a way to get attention from their pet parents, especially if they have learned that this behavior elicits a response. This is in line with findings in behavior studies like those by Dr. Ian Dunbar.
  • Anxiety or Stress-Related Behavior: Digging can also be a manifestation of anxiety or stress in dogs, as explored in “Decoding Your Dog” by the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists.
  1. Physical Needs:
  • Temperature Regulation: Digging holes to lie in can be a dog’s natural way to regulate body temperature.
  • Hunting for Pests or Other Animals: Breeds with a high prey drive may dig as part of their hunting behavior, a trait discussed in various ethology texts.
  1. Health-Related Issues:
  • Nutritional Deficiencies: Certain deficiencies may lead to unusual behaviors, including digging. Veterinary nutritionists often address these concerns in clinical settings.
  • Medical Conditions Causing Discomfort or Distress: Health issues such as arthritis can lead to behaviors like digging, as a form of self-soothing, a topic covered in veterinary medical texts.

Understanding these varied reasons behind a dog’s digging behavior is the first step towards effectively managing and modifying it. Each cause requires a tailored approach, underscoring the importance of a nuanced understanding of canine behavior.

Assessing Your Dog’s Digging Behavior

Once pet parents understand the potential reasons behind digging behavior, the next step is to assess their dog’s specific situation. This assessment helps in identifying patterns and triggers, paving the way for an effective management plan.

  1. Observation Techniques:
  • Behavior Diary: Keeping a detailed diary of when and where your dog digs can reveal patterns. Note the time of day, weather conditions, and what was happening in the environment. For instance, a study by Wells (2004) found that environmental factors significantly influence canine behavior.
  • Identifying Patterns and Triggers: Look for commonalities in your diary entries. Does your dog dig more when left alone, or do they tend to dig in certain areas of the yard? Understanding these triggers is crucial for developing targeted interventions
  1. Consulting Professionals:
  • Veterinarian Consultation: Before attributing digging to behavioral causes, rule out medical issues. Nutritional deficiencies or discomfort from conditions like arthritis can contribute to unusual behaviors, as noted in Zazie Todd’s book “Wag: The Science of Making Your Dog Happy” (2020). A veterinarian can help identify or rule out these causes.
  • Certified Dog Behavior Consultant: If the behavior persists without a medical cause, consulting a behavior specialist can provide additional insights. A certified professional can offer tailored advice and strategies based on your dog’s specific needs and history, a practice supported by the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB) in their position statement on behavior modification.

By thoroughly assessing your dog’s behavior and seeking professional advice when necessary, pet parents can gain a deeper understanding of their dog’s digging habits. This information is crucial in developing an effective strategy to address and modify the behavior.

 Management Strategies

While working on long-term behavioral modification, implementing immediate management strategies can help mitigate the digging issue. These strategies are designed to manage the environment and provide alternatives to your dog, reducing the opportunities and motivation to dig.

  1. Immediate Solutions:
  • Creating Physical Barriers: Erecting fences around specific areas or using chicken wire under the soil can deter digging. This method, as suggested by Lindsay (2005) in the “Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training,” can provide an immediate physical deterrent to the behavior.
  • Supervising Outdoor Activities: Close supervision when your dog is outside can prevent digging episodes. As soon as your dog begins to dig, redirect them to a different activity. This approach aligns with the principles of operant conditioning, as explained by Skinner (1953).
  1. Environmental Enrichment:
  • Providing Toys and Interactive Activities: Engage your dog with toys and puzzles to keep them mentally stimulated, as recommended by Overall (2013) in “The Manual of Clinical Behavioral Medicine for Dogs and Cats.” This can reduce boredom, a common cause of digging.
  • Designating a ‘Digging Zone’: If digging is a persistent behavior, creating a specific area where your dog is allowed to dig can provide a healthy outlet. Bradshaw et al. (2015) in “Dog Sense: How the New Science of Dog Behavior Can Make You A Better Friend to Your Pet” support providing dogs with behavior-specific areas.
  1. Exercise and Stimulation:
  • Tailoring Exercise Routines: Ensure your dog gets enough physical exercise appropriate for their breed and age. Sufficient exercise can reduce excess energy that might otherwise be directed toward digging, as supported by a study by Rooney and Bradshaw (2006).
  • Mental Stimulation Through Training and Games: Engaging your dog in training sessions and interactive games provides mental stimulation, reducing the likelihood of boredom-related behaviors. This approach is endorsed in the AVSAB’s position statement on the role of environmental enrichment in behavior management.

These management strategies serve as the first line of defense against digging behavior. They provide immediate solutions and set the groundwork for more in-depth behavioral modification.

Behavior Modification Techniques

Behavior modification techniques are fundamental in addressing the root causes of digging behavior. These techniques focus on changing the dog’s underlying motivation for digging through consistent training and positive reinforcement.

  1. Positive Reinforcement Training:
  • Redirecting Digging Behavior: Instead of punishing your dog for digging, redirect them to a desired behavior and reinforce it. For example, if your dog starts to dig, call them to you and engage them in a different activity. Once they comply, reward them. This method is based on the principles of positive reinforcement, a cornerstone of modern dog training techniques as emphasized by Pryor (1999) in “Don’t Shoot the Dog: The New Art of Teaching and Training.”
  • Rewarding Non-Digging Behavior: Consistently reward your dog when they choose not to dig, especially in situations where they typically would. This positive reinforcement strengthens the desired behavior, as detailed in Friedman’s work on applied behavior analysis (2002).
  1. Consistency and Patience:
  • Establishing Routines: Consistency in training and daily routines is key to behavior modification. Dogs thrive on predictability, and a consistent routine can reduce anxiety and stress-related behaviors, including digging, as noted by Overall (2013) in her clinical manual.
  • Understanding the Time Commitment: Behavior modification is not an overnight solution. It requires time, patience, and consistency. Acknowledging this time commitment is crucial for successful behavior change, a point underscored in the writings of John Fisher (1991), a pioneer in dog behavior therapy.
  1. Professional Training Methods:
  • Seeking Guidance from Certified Professionals: If the digging behavior is persistent or complex, seeking help from a certified dog behavior consultant can be invaluable. They can provide customized training plans and insights specific to your dog’s needs, as advocated by the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC).
  • Customized Training Plans: Every dog is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach to behavior modification is often ineffective. A professional can develop a customized plan that takes into account your dog’s breed, age, health, and behavioral history, as well as your specific environment and lifestyle.

Behavior modification is a journey that requires understanding, patience, and a commitment to positive reinforcement. By following these techniques and being consistent in your approach, you can effectively address and modify your dog’s digging behavior.

Case Studies and Real-World Examples

To illustrate the application of the strategies and techniques discussed, let’s examine a few real-world case studies. These examples provide insight into how different factors can contribute to digging behavior and how they can be effectively addressed.

  1. Case Study 1: High-Energy Breed
  • Background: A Border Collie, renowned for their high energy and intelligence, started digging holes in the backyard out of boredom.
  • Intervention: The pet parents introduced more rigorous and varied exercise routines, including agility training and fetch games, to utilize the dog’s energy constructively. Additionally, they provided puzzle toys to keep the dog mentally stimulated.
  • Outcome: The increased physical and mental stimulation significantly reduced the dog’s digging behavior, as they were no longer seeking an outlet for their pent-up energy. This aligns with the findings of a study by Blackwell et al. (2008), emphasizing the importance of appropriate physical and mental stimulation for high-energy breeds.
  1. Case Study 2: Anxiety-Driven Behavior
  • Background: A rescue dog exhibited digging behavior primarily when left alone, indicative of separation anxiety.
  • Intervention: The pet parents implemented a desensitization and counterconditioning program, as recommended by a certified dog behavior consultant. They also created a more enriched environment with safe toys and a comfortable resting area.
  • Outcome: Over time, the dog’s anxiety levels decreased, and the digging behavior reduced significantly. This approach is supported by the principles of behavioral therapy for anxiety, as outlined in Lindsay’s “Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training” (2005).
  1. Case Study 3: Instinctual Digging
  • Background: A Terrier began digging in the garden, driven by its instinctual prey drive.
  • Intervention: Recognizing the dog’s instinctual needs, the pet parents designated a specific area in the yard for digging. They also engaged the dog in games that simulated hunting behaviors, like scent work.
  • Outcome: By providing an appropriate outlet for the dog’s instincts, the inappropriate digging in other areas of the garden ceased. This strategy is reflective of the recommendations by Horwitz and Neilson (2007) in “Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline Behavior,” which emphasizes the importance of addressing the underlying instinctual behaviors in dogs.

Ongoing Care and Prevention

Effectively addressing digging behavior in dogs is an ongoing process. Continuous care and monitoring are essential to ensure the long-term success of the behavior modification strategies implemented.

  1. Monitoring Progress:
  • Behavior Tracking: Regularly observe and note your dog’s behavior to track progress. This helps in identifying what’s working and what needs adjustment. A study by Hiby, Rooney, and Bradshaw (2004) highlighted the importance of consistent monitoring in successful behavior modification in dogs.
  • Adjusting Strategies as Needed: Be prepared to adapt your approach based on your dog’s response. For instance, if certain activities seem to trigger digging, consider alternative exercises or environmental changes. Flexibility in approach is crucial for long-term success, as emphasized in Overall’s “Manual of Clinical Behavioral Medicine for Dogs and Cats” (2013).
  1. Long-Term Commitment:
  • Understanding Behavior Modification Takes Time: It’s important to recognize that changing a behavior like digging, particularly if it’s well-established, will take time. Patience and consistency are key, as reiterated by Fisher in his groundbreaking work on dog behavior (1991).
  • Continued Enrichment and Stimulation: Ongoing provision of physical and mental enrichment is vital. Regularly introducing new toys, challenges, and training exercises can prevent boredom and the resurgence of digging behavior. This is supported by research from the Journal of Veterinary Behavior (Rooney & Bradshaw, 2006), which underscores the importance of continued stimulation for behavioral health.
  1. Celebrating Successes and Remaining Committed:
  • Acknowledging Improvements: Even small changes in behavior should be celebrated. This positive reinforcement applies not only to your dog but also to you as a pet parent, maintaining your motivation and commitment.
  • Ongoing Relationship Building: Continue to strengthen your bond with your dog through regular interaction, training, and play. A strong human-animal bond is a cornerstone of long-term behavioral success, as noted by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).

The Take-Away

This ongoing care and prevention approach ensures that the progress made in modifying your dog’s digging behavior is sustained over the long term. It emphasizes the need for continuous engagement, adaptability, and a deep understanding of your dog’s needs.

Addressing and resolving digging behavior in dogs is a multi-faceted journey that requires understanding, patience, and consistency. This comprehensive guide has navigated through the various aspects of why dogs dig, from instinctual behaviors and environmental factors to behavioral and health-related issues. By understanding these underlying causes, pet parents can empathize with their dogs and approach the behavior modification process with informed strategies.

Key to managing digging behavior is the implementation of immediate management strategies, such as creating physical barriers, supervising outdoor activities, and enriching the dog’s environment. These strategies are effective in providing short-term solutions while longer-term behavior modification techniques are being established.

Behavior modification, rooted in positive reinforcement training, is essential in addressing the root causes of digging. Tailoring exercise routines, providing mental stimulation, and seeking guidance from certified professionals are pivotal steps in this process. This approach not only addresses the immediate behavior but also contributes to the overall well-being and happiness of the dog.

Real-world case studies have illustrated how different strategies can be effectively applied, depending on the unique needs and motivations of each dog. These examples highlight the importance of a personalized approach in successfully managing and modifying digging behavior.

Finally, ongoing care and prevention are crucial for long-term success. Continuous monitoring, adapting strategies as needed, and maintaining a commitment to your dog’s physical and mental enrichment are essential. Celebrating small victories and strengthening the human-animal bond are integral parts of this journey.

In conclusion, while digging can be a challenging behavior for pet parents to address, with the right understanding, strategies, and commitment, it can be effectively managed and modified. This journey not only resolves the issue at hand but also enhances the bond between pet parents and their dogs, fostering a deeper understanding and a harmonious living environment.


How to Deal with Dog Digging Podcast


  1. American Kennel Club. Various breed guides and behavior studies, especially for breeds predisposed to digging.
  2. Coppinger, R., & Coppinger, L. (2001). “Dogs: A New Understanding of Canine Origin, Behavior, and Evolution.” Discusses evolutionary traits in dogs.
  3. Wells, D. L. (2004). A study on environmental factors influencing canine behavior.
  4. Zazie Todd (2020). “Wag: The Science of Making Your Dog Happy.” Addresses various aspects of canine behavior and welfare.
  5. American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB). Position statement on behavior modification.
  6. Lindsay, S. R. (2005). “Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training.” Provides insights on immediate solutions for behavior management.
  7. Skinner, B. F. (1953). Principles of operant conditioning in dog training.
  8. Overall, K. (2013). “Manual of Clinical Behavioral Medicine for Dogs and Cats.” Discusses environmental enrichment and behavior modification techniques.
  9. Pryor, K. (1999). “Don’t Shoot the Dog: The New Art of Teaching and Training.” Principles of positive reinforcement in dog training.
  10. Friedman, S. (2002). Applied behavior analysis and its application in animal behavior training.
  11. Fisher, J. (1991). Works on dog behavior therapy, emphasizing the importance of patience in behavior modification.
  12. International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC). Resources on professional training methods and behavior consultation.
  13. Blackwell, E. J., Twells, C., Seawright, A., & Casey, R. A. (2008). Study on the importance of physical and mental stimulation for high-energy breeds.
  14. Rooney, N. J., & Bradshaw, J. W. S. (2006). “Journal of Veterinary Behavior,” highlighting the role of exercise and mental stimulation in behavior management.
  15. Horwitz, D. F., & Neilson, J. C. (2007). “Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline Behavior.” Discusses addressing instinctual behaviors in dogs.
  16. Hiby, E. F., Rooney, N. J., & Bradshaw, J. W. S. (2004). Study on the effectiveness of behavior modification in dogs.
  17. American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). Information on the human-animal bond and its role in behavioral management.