Is There a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant, CDBC IAABC Near Me, And What Do They Do?

CDBC Near Me Certified Dog Behavior Consultant

Is There a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant, CDBC IAABC Near Me, And What Do They Do? By Will Bangura, M.S., CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA, (Dog Behaviorist,) Certified Behavior Consultant.

Certified Dog Behavior Consultants are Dog Behaviorist professionals specializing in dog behavior training, diagnosing, and addressing the underlying causes of difficult canine behavior problems. The IAABC International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. The IAABC certification designation for a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant is CDBC.

Compared to dog trainers and dog trainer certification, who teach obedience commands, trick training, and sports like agility training, Certified Dog Behavior Consultants, CDBC through the IAABC International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, or dog behavior specialists are like dog psychologists, or dog behavior therapists that do pet behavior consulting. The CDBC has expertise in handling more challenging behavior issues such as dog aggression, anxiety, fears, phobias, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, severe destructive behavior, or severe elimination disorders. They are trained, educated, and experienced in diagnosing the root causes of a dog’s behavior and its underlying emotions. Behavior Consultants work to modify behavior by changing the dog’s emotional state. For example, if a dog is acting aggressively toward people it is fearful of, a Behavior Consultant will work with the dog and pet parents to change the dog’s underlying emotions and perceptions. Once the dog is no longer fearful, it has no reason to act out aggressively.

Certified Dog Behavior Consultants must undergo a rigorous certification process requiring specific education and experience.

The IAABC CDBC exam covers core competency areas such as Ethology, Anatomy, and Physiology, Learning Theory and Behavior Modification, Professional Practices, Specific Behavior Problems, and Consultation and Communication Skills.

The International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC) exam covers a range of core competency areas related to dog behavior and training. Here are the core competency areas for Certified Dog Behavior Consultants, CDBC, through the IAABC, International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants.

  1. Ethology, Anatomy, and Physiology: This area covers the study of dog behavior, including anatomy, physiology, and the principles of ethology. Test takers must understand how to apply these principles to dog behavior and training.
  2. Learning Theory and Behavior Modification: This competency area covers the principles of learning and how they apply to dog training and behavior modification. Test takers must understand the different types of reinforcement and punishment and how to apply these techniques effectively.
  3. Professional Practices: This area covers the business of being a dog behavior consultant, including client communication, consultation, and record-keeping. Test takers must also understand the ethical considerations and legal requirements related to their work.
  4. Specific Behavior Problems: This competency area covers the specific behavior problems that dog behavior consultants commonly encounter, such as dog aggression, dog anxiety, phobias, and dogs with compulsive disorders. Test takers must deeply understand the underlying causes of these problems and how to develop effective behavior modification plans to address them.
  5. Consultation and Communication Skills: This area covers the skills needed to effectively work with clients, including communication, collaboration, and the ability to create and implement behavior modification plans.

The CDBC exam assesses a wide range of knowledge and skills related to dog behavior and training, focusing on behavior modification for more serious behavior problems. Candidates must demonstrate a deep understanding of these core competency areas to earn their certification.

In summary, Certified Dog Behavior Consultants specialize in addressing difficult canine behavior problems and must deeply understand dog behavior and training. The certification process requires them to demonstrate competency in various areas, ensuring they have the knowledge and skills to help dogs and their owners.

There are also only about 400 Certified Dog Behavior Consultants, CDBC through the IAABC, International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants.  Click here to find a CDBC or Certified Dog Behavior Consultant near me.

Certified dog behavior consultants, CDBC certified through the IAABC International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, are highly trained professionals specializing in diagnosing and treating dogs’ most challenging behavior problems. They work to change the dog’s underlying emotions and perceptions, creating lasting improvements in behavior and relationships. If you are struggling with a challenging behavior problem with your dog, consider working with a certified behavior consultant to help you and your furry friend achieve a happier and more harmonious life together.

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